Wednesday, August 11, 2010


\\this one goes out to the east side//

Looking on the Brick City event page, there are a few votes cast towards one particular cat going by the name of 'Dublusion'. There is a mystery going around as to why there are a handful of votes towards him as some cant seem to find his work.
To clear this up, the demo was submitted on the FB page awhile ago. It is hidden under all the votes and is sitting at the back of the line. This is why we urge people to submit work to our email so situations like this can be avoided.
Well anyways, the hunt is over. Below is the demo submitted by the man himself.
Have a listen and let us know... or is it already a little late for that?
Brick City



  1. awe bro very cool song

  2. Dublusion...master!
    love cheeza

  3. Nah...Half-Life owns him !!

  4. Rule number 6 states that you have to be OVER 18 to enter...Half-life is in grade 11!!!!!!!
    you may still submit mixes, but are not considered for the event at Fiction...
    give it a few more years hey.
    DUBLUSION is the business and nothing less.

  5. who says you need to be 18 to be good..look at Simon Key and he is rocking it
